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G     P R O D U C  T     C A T A L O  A  T A L O  G S
                                                      O          T       C          G      C
         SECTION 1                                    L                  U     FHC MIRROR HARDWARE AND SUPPLIES

                                                      A                  D
                                                      T                  O
                                                       A                  R
           FHC’s Online Catalogs                        C     W E B        P    W E B        I    O N L
                                                           P R O D U
           The FHC Online Catalogs is an innovative and convenient online resource that provides a
           comprehensive overview of our product offerings. This new resource is exclusively available
           online and offers a product-specific catalog, making it easy for users to find the products they
           need and explore related items. The catalog features clickable product items that directly link
           to the corresponding product offerings, ensuring a seamless shopping experience. With full-color
           pages, the catalog also includes installation images for inspiration and illustrations to facilitate
                                                              W E B
           easy understanding. Furthermore, FHC Online Catalogs are accessible 24/7, allowing users to   FHC-USA.COM
           view and explore our products at their convenience.
                                                                  PROFESSIONAL GRADE
                                                                  Introduction to

                                                                  Mirror Hardware

                                                                  & Supplies

        The glazing industry relies on the right hardware, tools, and   We also provides framing and extrusions, clips and hangers,
        supplies for efficient mirror installation. Each component, from   anchors, and a variety of mirrors, including safety and security
        mirror mastic and foam tapes to drills and glass cutters, plays   options. In addition, tools such as diamond drills, glass cutting
        a crucial role in ensuring the quality, safety, and longevity of   tools, and vacuum cups are available for precise and safe
        the installation. Here at FHC, we serve as a one-stop shop for   installations. By offering this extensive selection of high-quality
        glaziers, offering a comprehensive range of materials and tools   products, We enables glaziers to source all their requirements
        necessary for mirror installation. These include mirror mastic for   from a single supplier, streamlining the procurement process
        secure mirror mounting, foam tapes for cushioning and weight   and ensuring consistency in material quality. Contact FHC at
        distribution, and safety backing tape to prevent hazards in case    888-295-4531 or email at to discuss
        of breakage.                                         your next project with our experienced representatives.

        SECTION 1  ............................. MA02 to MA07  SECTION 4 ............................. MA23 to MA25  SECTION 7 ............................. MA32 to MA37
        Mirror Mastics ................................ MA04-MA07  Custom Framed Mirrors ............ MA23-MA24  Mirror Drilling Accessories .......... MA27-MA28
        Mirror Mounting Tape ................................MA07  Mirror Frames ........................................MA25  Sanders and Polishers ............................ MA29
                                                                               Vacuum Cups .......................................... MA30
        SECTION 2 ...............................MA08 to MA11  SECTION 5 ............................................ MA26
        MIRROR FRAMING                      SECURITY MIRRORS                   INDEX  ................................................... MA38
        Aluminum Mirror Extrusions ........MA08-MA11  Convex Mirrors ......................................MA26
        Stainless Steel Mirror Extrusions ..... MA12-MA13
                                            SECTION 6 ..............................MA27 to MA31
        SECTION 3 ..............................MA14 to MA22  MIRROR PLATES        Chat With Us!
        MIRROR MOUNTING HARDWARE            Glass Mirror Plates ....................... MA27-MA28
        Mirror Clips and Hangers ............ MA14-MA19  Acrylic Mirror Plates ............................... MA29
        Screws and Anchors ................... MA20-MA22  Mirror Grille Plates .................................. MA30  FOR A DETAILED INDEX
                                            Beveled Mirror Strips ...............................MA31  SEE PAGE TA27.

                                                                                     Visit to search for
                                  THE GLAZING SUPPLY COMPANY
                                  THE GLAZING SUPPL     Y COMP  A NY                 Mirror Supplies
                                                                                     Enter the Item Number or scan QR code with
                                                   ND INNO
                                  EXPERIENCE A
       MA02                       EXPERIENCE A ND INNO V A TION                      your smartphone for complete product details
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