Page 19 - WEB-S3 Sealants and Supplies
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FHC SEALANTS AND SUPPLIES                                                                     SECTION 4
              FHC Backer Rod
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              FHC Backer Rod Guidelines for
              Properly Moving Dynamic Joints: DO’s and DON’Ts

                Prevents Adhesions on Three Sides
              The sealants inability to bond with the joint’s underside will
              increase movements (Figure 2).

              Control the Sealants Bead Depth
              The sealant bead conforms to the manufacturer’s design recommendations,
              enhancing the sealant’s capacity for movement (Figure 2)

                Provides Resistance to Tool Against
              When tooled, the sealant is pressed against the backer rod, ensuring optimal
              adhesion to the joint’s side walls (Figure 3). To achieve this, the backer rod
              must be intentionally oversized, ensuring a secure fit within the joint (Figure 4).
                                    DO                                                  DON'T

                           A      Sealant  Ensure that the minimum                   A       Sealant  A deep sealant bead
                                                                                                    hinders flexibility and
                                        A to B ratio is 2:1.                                        movement.
                    B                                                           B
                 C                      A and C dimensions    FIGURE 1:    C                        Excessive sealant depth
                                        must not be less than
                                                                                                    leads to slower curing.
                                                            Regulates the                           B dimension exceeds
                                        The joint surface should   Sealant Bead Depth               the suggested 3/8"
                                        have a concave tooling.                                     maximum.
                                        It is recommended that
                                        dimension B does not
                        Backer Rod      exceed 3/8".                              Backer Rod
                                             Silicone                                                   Silicone
                                             Weather-Seal                                               Weather-Seal
                                             Sealant                                                    Sealant
                     Glass         Glass                                       Glass        Glass
                                             Silicone         FIGURE 2:                                 Silicone
                                             Structural                                                 Structural
                                             Adhesive     Prevents adhesion on                          Adhesive
                                                             three sides.
                                 Backer      The silicone weather                        No Backer      The silicone
                      Structural  Rod        seal bead hovers                   Structural  Rod         weather seal bead
                       Spacer                above the backer rod,               Spacer                 remains immobile
                                                                                                        as it is adhered to
                                 Mullion     enabling maximum                              Mullion      the joint’s bottom.
                                      Spatula                 FIGURE 3:                               Uneven gaps
                                                           Offers resistance                          between the
                                                                                                      sealant and the
                                        To ensure uniform   when using a tool.                  Sealant  wall result in an
                                        strength and                                                  irregular joint,
                                        adhesion along                                                leading to weak
                                        the bond line,                               No               areas in the
                                        the sealant is                             Backing            bond line that
                                        pressed firmly and                         Material           are prone to
                                        evenly against the                                            failure under
                                        sidewalls using a                                             stress.
                                        spatula tool.
                                                                            RECOMMENDED BACKER ROD DIAMETER SIZES
                                      Sealant                                 JOINT WIDTH  FHC CLOSED CELL  FHC OPEN CELL
                                                     FIGURE 4:                  3/16"         1/4"           ---
                                                     An oversized               1/4"          3/8"           ---
                                                      rod keeps                 3/8"          1/2"          5/8"
                                                      things in                 1/2"          5/8"          7/8"
                                                      position.                 5/8"          3/4"          1-1/8"
                                                                                3/4"           1"           1-1/8"
                                                                                 1"          1-1/4"         1-1/2
                      Open Cell Backer Rod                                      1-1/4"       1-1/2"          2"
                                                                                1-1/2"        2"             ---
               Visit to search for
               Backer Rod                                     FRAMELESS HARDWARE COMPANY LLC
                                                                P.O. Box 1906 South Gate, CA 90280
               Enter the Item Number or scan QR code with    Toll Free: (888) 295-4531  |  Direct: (323) 968-2031
               your smartphone for complete product details                                                       WS17
                                                                Fax: (323) 336-8307  |
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