Page 7 - WEB-AR Aluminum Railing System
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              FHC Customer Service

              FHC Ordering Information

              SHIPPING:                                           PACKING AND CUTTING CHARGES:
              All orders are shipped F.O.B. from our service center. Orders are   FHC stock length materials have a Packing Charge added to
              shipped in the manner requested by the customer (ie. Regular   invoices if the specified minimum quantities are not ordered.
              Ground UPS or Air UPS, Federal Express, Express Mail, Parcel   Materials of different finishes and/or shapes may be combined
              Post, or Common Carrier). With no specific instructions as to   to reach the minimum quantity and avoid the Packing Charge.
              which carrier is to be used, FHC will ship via the least expensive   Orders picked up at our service center in Will Call, will not incur
              way. FHC’s default carrier for all orders is UPS if size and weight   a Packing Charge. When customers request aluminum or plastic
              permit. Size or weight restrictions sometimes do not permit us to   stock lengths to be cut for shipping, we will add a $5.50 Cutting
              use UPS, and we must ship via common carrier.       Charge to the order (one cut per stock length). $5.50 charge
                                                                  covers up to 10 pieces, not to exceed 20 pieces in total.
              FHC is a wholesale distributor to the glazing industry, and we   NOTE: All cut material is final sale and
              have set up a program where our customers can order material   is non-returnable.
              at the quantity they need to complete their job. Customer orders
              over $25.00 will not have a handling charge. Any customer order
              totaling less than $25.00 will automatically get a $5.50 minimum
              order service charge added to the invoice.

                                                  Simply Click On This Icon
                                                    from FHC-USA.COM
                                                                                                 FHC Web
                                                   Chat With Us!
                                                                                           Hi John, how can we help you today?
                                                                                                I am looking for a product.

                                                                                           Hi John, I will be happy to help!

                                                                                           I need a matte black locking ladder pull,
                                                                                           do you have any in stock?
                                                                                           We sure do, let me get you some information
                                                                                           on that.

                                                                                       Type your message here

               FHC Live                                                    - Connect Instantly With Live Support

                                                                           -  Over 100 Years of Combined Glazing Supplies Experience
              WebChat Service!                                             - Get Answers You Need Right Away
                                                                           - Check the Status of an Order
               WebChat is a New System That Allows Customers to            -  Not Being Put On Hold or Having to Leave Voice Messages
               Communicate with FHC Representatives in Real-Time!          -  Fast and Convenient Way to Communicate!

               Visit to search for
               Customer Service                               FRAMELESS HARDWARE COMPANY LLC
                                                           4361 Firestone Blvd. South Gate, CA 90280
               Enter the Item Number or scan QR code with    Toll Free: (888) 295-4531  |  Direct: (323) 968-2031
               your smartphone for complete product details                                                       AR07
                                                                Fax: (323) 336-8307  |
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