Page 13 - WEB-D3 Screen and Patio Door Hardware Catalog
P. 13

FHC SCREEN AND PATIO DOOR HARDWARE                                                            SECTION 1
              FHC Screen Frame Corners
                                                       Bulk Quantities Available
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             FHC Plastic

             Square Cut Screen                                                FHC 5/8" Square Cut Mobile
                                                                              Home Screen Frame Corner
             Frame Corners                                                       -  Typically Used to Repair

                                                                               Mobile Home Screen Frames
                                                                                 -  Used With Square Cut
              These corners for window screen frames serve a dual purpose, aiding in both    Frames to Eliminate Having
              the construction of new window screens and the repair of existing ones. The   to Miter Cut a Frame
              practical square cut removes the necessity for mitering the screen frame,      - 100 Per Pack
              facilitating a swift and straightforward assembly process for window screens.
              Crafted from durable, high-quality plastic, these corners are designed to    ITEM NO. PL14339
              seamlessly match the standard color of aluminum screen frames.             Minimum Order: 1 Pack.

              FHC Plastic Square Cut
              Screen Frame Corners                                              ITEM NO.  FINISH     SIZE  FITS SCREEN
                                                                                                           FRAME SERIES
                                                                                SSC516BRZ  Bronze  5/16"   RSF345
                -  Available in Multiple Sizes                                  SSC516G   Gray     5/16"   RSF345
              to Match Roll-Formed                                              SSC516W   White    5/16"   RSF345
              Screen Frames                                                     SSC38BRZ  Bronze   3/8"    RSF346
                - 100 Per Pack                                                  SSC38G    Gray     3/8"    RSF346
                                                                                SSC38W    White    3/8"    RSF346
                                                                                SSC716BRZ  Bronze  7/16"   RSF347
                                                                                SSC716G   Gray     7/16"   RSF347
                                                                                SSC716W   White    7/16"   RSF347
                                                                                Minimum order: 1 pack.
              FHC Screen Door Corner                                FHC Storm Door

                -  Used on Andersen                                 Top Screen Corner
              Screen Doors
                -  Fits 1" x 1/2"                                     -  Used in Storm Door
              Andersen Frames                                       Panel Corners
                - Outside Mitered                                     - Square Cut Design
                - Durable White Plastic                               -  10 Left Hand and
                                              ITEM NO. PL16124      10 Right Hand Corners   ITEM NO. PL16156
                                             Minimum Order: 1 Pack.    - White Plastic Design  Minimum Order: 1 Pack.

              FHC Plastic Square Cut                                FHC Window Screen Wickets
              Screen Frame Corners                                    -  Allows for Easy Access to
                                                                    Window Operator
                -  3/4" x 3/8" and                                    -  Full 180 Degree Hinge and
              3/4" x 5/16"                                          a Snap Type Latch for
              Screen Frame                                          Positive Closure
                - 4 Per Pack                                          -  Holds Aluminum or
                                                                    Fiberglass Screen
                                                                      -  Available in White, Gray,
                                                                    Black and Bronze
                                        FITS SCREEN
               ITEM NO.  FINISH  SIZE   FRAME SERIES                                           8-23/32"
               PL14275  Almond   3/8"   RSF346
               PL14287  Almond   5/16"  RSF345
               PL14297  Bronze   1/4"
               PL14298  White    1/4"
               PL7722   Bronze   3/8"   RSF346                       ITEM NO.  FINISH    6-1/8"
               PL7723   White    3/8"   RSF346                       828WHT  White
               PL7727   Gray     5/16"  RSF345                       828GY  Gray
               PL7728   Bronze   5/16"  RSF345                       828BLK  Black
               PL7729   White    5/16"  RSF345                       828BZ  Bronze                         10-1/8"
               Minimum order: 1 pack.                                Minimum order: 1 each.
               Visit to search for
               Screen Corners                                 FRAMELESS HARDWARE COMPANY LLC
                                                           4361 Firestone Blvd. South Gate, CA 90280
               Enter the Item Number or scan QR code with    Toll Free: (888) 295-4531  |  Direct: (323) 968-2031
               your smartphone for complete product details                                                       DW13
                                                                Fax: (323) 336-8307  |
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