Page 3 - SSD25B Sliding Shower Door Systems
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                                                                                           1    Denali Series

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        FHC Sliding Shower                                                                 2    Napa Series

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        Door Systems

        Sliding shower doors have several key features and advantages that                 3    Clearwater Series
                                                                                                Page 06
        make them a popular choice for many homeowners and bathroom
        remodelers. Here are some of the key features and advantages of
        sliding shower doors:                                                              4    Tidewater Series

        Space-Saving Design:      Customizable Sizes and Shapes:   Modern and Clean Design:     Page 07
        Sliding shower doors have   Sliding shower doors can   Sliding shower doors offer a
        a space-saving design that   be custom-made to fit the   modern and clean design that
        is well-suited for bathrooms   specific size and shape of your   can enhance the aesthetic   5
        with limited space. They open  shower opening, making them   appeal of any bathroom.    Ridgeline Series
        and close by sliding along   a versatile option for various   They are available in a variety    Page 08
        a track, which means they   bathroom layouts and designs.  of colors, shapes, and designs
        don’t require extra space for                        to complement different
        the door to swing open like   Versatile Operation:    décor styles.
        traditional hinged doors.  They offer the flexibility of                           6    Pacifica Series
                                  opening the doors on either   Larger Openings:                Page 09
        Easy to Clean and Maintain:   side, thereby providing ease of   Sliding shower doors allow
        Sliding shower doors are easy  access and use, especially in   for larger openings into the
        to clean and maintain, helping  the case of walk-in showers or   shower stall, making them a
        to keep the bathroom sanitary  built-in shower enclosures.  practical choice for those who   7 Classic Series
        and looking great over time.                         need ample space to enter and      Page 10
                                                             exit the shower.
        Control of Light and Humidity:
        Sliding shower doors help
        control light and humidity,
        making them an ideal choice   In summary, sliding shower doors offer               8    Premium Series
        for those who want to manage      space-saving, modern design,                          Page 11
        these aspects within the           customization options, easy
        shower area.                   maintenance, and several practical
                                      advantages, making them a favorable
                                         choice for many homeowners.

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