Page 154 - FSH24R Frameless Shower Door Hardware and Supplies
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SECTION 5                                             FRAMELESS SHOWER INSTALLATION TOOLS AND SUPPLIES
        FHC Shower Installation Tools and Supplies

        FHC Gauntlet Cuff Smooth                               FHC Gauntlet Cuff Non-Slip Wrinkle
        Natural Rubber Gloves            A3 A4                 Natural Rubber Gloves         A3 A4
           -  Most Popular Glove                     3132X       -  Heavy-Duty Protection                3132X
           -  Heavy-Duty Protection                             In a Universal Size
         In a Universal Size                                     -  Outstanding Wet and
           -  Outstanding Wet and                               Dry Wrinkle Grip
         Dry Smooth Grip                                         -  Soft Cotton Flannel
           -  Soft Cotton Flannel                               Liner Provides Comfort
         Liner Provides Comfort                                 and Flexibility
         and Flexibility
                        ITEM NO. YGG12S                        ITEM NO. YGG12SW
                       Minimum Order: 1 Pair.                  Minimum Order: 1 Pair.

        FHC Bio-Degradable Powder Free                         FHC A4 Cut Resistant                      ANSI CUT
        Disposable Gloves - 100/BX                             Nitrile Palm Gloves      A3 A4       A3 A4
           -  100% Biodegradable                                 -  ANSI A4 Cut Resistant
         Disposable Nitrile Gloves                               -  Nitrile Coating Resists Oil     4X42D
         Fully Decompose Within 1 to 5 Years                    and Grease for Increased
           -  Same Features and Performance as                  Wet and Dry Grip
         Non Biodegradable Nitrile Gloves                        - Washable
           -  4 Mil Thickness   ITEM NO.  SIZE
         Protects Hands   BDG5  Small                           ITEM NO.  SIZE
         From an Array   BDG2  Medium                           GBG4M  Medium
         of Chemicals  BDG1   Large                             GBG4L  Large
                      BDG3    Extra Large                       GBG4XL  Extra Large
                      Minimum order: 1 box.                     Minimum order: 1 pair.
        FHC A3 Cut Resistant Hi-Vis Blue             ANSI CUT  Atlas  Slip Resistant
        Latex Wrinkle Palm Gloves A3 A4               A3 A4
                                                               Latex Palm Work Gloves
           -  ANSI A3 Cut Resistant                              -  Designed for Optimal Fit and
           -  7 Gauge High Visibility Yellow Polyester Shell  4111X  All Day Comfort
           -  Blue Crinkle Latex Coating                         -  Lightweight Rough Textured
                                                                Coating Provides Maximum Grip
           -  Acrylic/Polyester Liner Provides                  and Dexterity
         Extra Protection and Warmth
                                                                 -  Open-Back Ensures Breathability
         ITEM NO.  SIZE                                         and Reduces Perspiration
         RRWG27S   Small                                        ITEM NO.  SIZE
         RRWG27M   Medium                                       BBGM   Medium
         RRWG27L   Large                                        BBGL   Large
         RRWG27XL  Extra Large                                  BBGXL  Extra Large
         Minimum order: 1 pair.                                 Minimum order: 1 pair.
        FHC Safety Eyewear
                                                                                             Visit for
                                                                                             the Largest Offering of
                                                                                             Protective Eyewear in
                                                                                             the Glazing Industry.

         Atlas ®  is a registered trademark of Showa Glove Company
                                                                                     visit to search for
                                  THE GLAZING SUPPLY COMPANY                         Protection Equipment

       152                        EXPERIENCE A ND INNO V A TION                      Enter the Item Number or scan QR code with
                                                                                     your smartphone for complete product details
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