Page 160 - FSH24R Frameless Shower Door Hardware and Supplies
P. 160

SECTION 5                                             FRAMELESS SHOWER INSTALLATION TOOLS AND SUPPLIES
        FHC Shower Installation Tools and Supplies

        FHC 2" x 180' Easy Release          FHC Utility                         FHC Blue Pro Grade
        Aqua Masking Tape                   Masking Tape                        Masking Tape
           - Rubber-Based Adhesive Tape 2" x 180'    -  All-Purpose Masking Tape is a     -  Blue Tape Now with Bloc-It
           -  Does not Leave Residue or Stains  Staple for Every Contractor's Kit  Clean Line Technology
         When Removed                                                              -  Up To 14 Day Clean Removal
                                                                                 with No Adhesive Residue

                 ITEM NO. AMT2               ITEM NO.  SIZE  ITEM NO.  SIZE      ITEM NO.  SIZE  ITEM NO.  SIZE
               Minimum Order: 1 Each.
                                             MPT34   3/4" x 180'  MPT112  1-1/2" x 180'  BT34  3/4" x 180'  BT112  1-1/2" x 180'
                                             MPT1    1" x 180'  MPT2  2" x 180'  BT1     1" x 180'  BT2  2" x 180'
                                             Minimum order: 1 each.  Minimum order: 1 each.  Minimum order: 1 each.  Minimum order: 1 each.

        FHC Orange Contractor Grade  FHC Transparent Acrylic                    FHC Double Sided  All-Purpose
        Masking Tape                        Very Hi-Bond Adhesive Tape          Acrylic Foam Tape

           -  Orange Tape Offers Superb Paint     -  Transparent Very High Bond    -  High Tack Adhesive
         Lines With Up To 1 Day Clean Removal  Tape With Blue Backing              -  Use on Smooth or

           -  Excellent Quick-Stick, Panel     -  Used when Fabricating          Irregular Surfaces
         Adhesion and Holding Properties     Shower Enclosures                     -  Great with Mirror

                                               -  Use to Adhere                  Glass, Metals,
                                             Wipes and Seals                     Plastics, and
                                             to Shower                           Other Surfaces

                                             ITEM NO.    SIZE
                                             HBT142036   1/4" x .020" x 36'
                                                                                BLACK     WHITE
                                             HBT1420     1/4" x .020" x 216'    ITEM NO.  ITEM NO.  SIZE
                                             HBT144036   1/4" x .040" x 36'     FHC423212  FHC213212  1/32" x 1/2" x 216'
         ITEM NO.  SIZE   ITEM NO.  SIZE     HBT1440     1/4" x .040" x 108'    FHC421612  FHC211612  1/16" x 1/2" x 108'
         0T34    3/4" x 180'  0T112  1-1/2" x 180'  HBT124036  1/2" x .040" x 36'   FHC421634  FHC211634  1/16" x 3/4" x 108'
         0T1     1" x 180'  0T2   2" x 180'  HBT1240     1/2" x .040" x 108'    FHC420812  ---      1/8" x 1/2" x 50'
         Minimum order: 1 each.  Minimum order: 1 each.  Minimum order: 1 roll.  Minimum order: 1 roll.
                                                                                     visit to search for
                                  THE GLAZING SUPPLY COMPANY                         Tapes

       158                        EXPERIENCE A ND INNO V A TION                      Enter the Item Number or scan QR code with
                                                                                     your smartphone for complete product details
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