Page 173 - FHC FGR24R Architectural Railing Systems
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ARCHITECTURAL RAILING SYSTEMS                                                                 SECTION 8

              A to Z Product Index

              Internal Splice Sleeves ...46, 97-98  Mixing Paddle ............................29  ...............................................25-29  T
              J                         Mortise Housing ......................132  Railing Standoffs ..................58-60  Tap Wrench..............................157
              Jumbo Horseshoe Shims .......145                    Railing System Information ....... 11  Tape Rules ...............................137
                                        N                         Razor Blades ...........................155  Tapered Door Rails ..........114-115
              K                         Narrow Stile RIM Panic Device ..132  Restoration Kit, Stainless Steel .....   Tapes .................................28, 151
              Kapro  Laser Levels ................136  Neutral Cure Silicone ........28, 148  ..................................................154
              Keepers.................... 120, 129-131  Nitrile Gloves ...........................146  Rigid Glazing Vinyl ....................30  Technical Assistance .................02
              Kwixset  Cement ...........20-21, 29  Norseal  Glazing Tapes ..........151  RIM Cylinder Housings ...........132  Titanium-Nitride Drill Bits and Taps
                                                                  RIM Panic Exit Device.............132  ..................................................157
              L                         O                         Rockite  Cement............20-21, 29  Tools, Supplies and Equipment .....
              L-Squares ................................137  Online Catalog ...........................04  Roll Formed Cap Rails .........34-39  ...........................................135-157
              Lag Bolts ....................................61  Ordering Information .................03  Roller Tools ........................27, 144  Top Patch Gate Fitting ......118-119
              Laser Measuring Tools ............136  Outside Corner Fascia Bracket .....   Roll-In Glazing Gaskets ..19, 23, 30  Traditional Base Shoes ........20-21
              Levels .......................................138  ..............................................68, 71  Rubber Mallet ..........................156  Transparent Tapes ..................151
              Lever Handles .........................131
              Lever Lock Housings ..............131  P            S                         TRU Clear Silicone ..................148
              Lever Trim ................................132  Panic Exit Device ....................132  "S" Series Square Glass Clamps    Tube Wax .................................140
              Lifting Frame Rental Program ...143  Panorama Self-Closing Hinges ..125  .................................................. 110  Tubing
              Lint Free Wipes .......................152  Partition Posts...................106-109  Saddles, Handrail ..........68, 71, 74       Handrail .....................92, 95, 97
              Locks for Gate Systems ..119-120,    Patch Hardware ................116-121  Saws .................................140-141       Pipe Rail ....................67, 70, 73
              ...........................................128-134  Patch Inserts ............................ 118  Scraper ..................................155       Top Rail ............................78-81
              Loctite ®                 Personal Protective Equipment .....   Scratch Removal Kit ................140
                   5 Minute Primer ..................150  ...........................................146-147  Screws .............25, 61, 74, 91, 104  U
                   60 Second Primer .........53, 82,  Pipe Rail ................................78-81  Scrubs In-A-Bucket .................153
                   .......................................98, 150  Pipeknife .................................155  Sealant Mixing Paddle ..............29  U-Channels for Cap Railing ...........
                   Metal Contact Cement ..53, 82,  Plastic Blades ..........................155  Self-Closing Hinges ..........125-126  ...............................................48-53
                   .......................................98, 150  Plastic Glazier's Stick ..............144  Shims ................................144-145  Utility Blades and Knives ........155
                   Superbonder  Adhesive .....150  Plastic Shims ...........................145  Silicone Sealants ...............28, 148
                   Threadlocker .................61, 150  Plate Glass Dolly .....................139  Small Format Cores ................132  V
                   Two-Part Epoxy ............74, 150  Plumb and Level Locator Tools .....   Smoke Baffle .............................30  Vacuum Cup Levels ...........26-136
              Low Profile               ..................................................138  Socket Head Cap Screws ...25, 61  Vacuum Cup Lifters ..........142-143
                   Base Shoe ............................20  Point Supported Standoff Fittings    Sockets ......................................26  Very Hi-Bond Tape ............28, 151
                   Center Locks ......................120  ..............................................56-61  Splice Sleeves ...........................46  Vinyl Rollers .......................27, 144
                   Door Rails ....................114-115  Polaris Soft Close Hinges .......126  Squeeze Bottle, 32 Oz. .............29
                   Patch Fittings ...............116-117  Polishing Cloth .........................154  Staging/Positioning Pads ...27, 139
              Lubricants ................................153  Pool Gate Hinges and Latches ......   Stainless Steel Cleaner .....82, 154  W
                                        ...........................................125-127  Stainless Surface Protectant ..154  Wall Mount Glass Panel Clamps
              M                         Post                      Standoff Cap Wrench ..........60, 62  ............................................. 105
              Magnetic Mini Post Level ...72, 138       Caps ..........................67, 70, 73  Standoff Railing Trim Rings ......60  Wall Mount Pivot Bracket ........121
              Makita ®                       Gate Hinges .................125-126  Standoff Spacers .......................60  Wall-to-Glass Gate Hinge ..............
                   Angle Grinder ......................141       Glass Fittings ...................75-77  Standoff Systems ......................62  ...........................................125-126
                   Cordless Tile/Glass Saw Kit ..141       Level ..............................72, 138  Steel Drill and Tap ...................157  Water Stain Remover ..............153
                   Drill ......................................140       Mounted Handrail Brackets ......   Step Drill Bit ...............................26
                   Miter Saw ............................140       ..........................................86-90  Straight Edge Holder ...............137  Wax Lube .................................140
                   Sanders...............................141       Partition ........................106-109  Straight Edges .........................137  WD-40  ....................................153
                   Saw Blade, 10" ...................140       Railing Clamps ................... 110  Suction Cup with Spirit Level .........   Weld Blocks ...............................24
              Manufacturing Services ............... I       Stainless Steel ...64-74, 106-109  ............................................26, 136  Wet Glaze System ...............20-21
              Marble, Granite, Tile Drill Bits ...157       Windscreen ..................106-109  Sunshade...................................XII  Windscreen
              Masking Tapes.........................151  Power Tip Drill Bits ..................157  Surface Mount       Base Shoe ....................20, 104
              Masonry Drill Bits .....................157  Pry Bars ...................................156       Electric Strike ......................134       Gate Systems .............. 111-113
              Measuring Tools ...............137-138  Pull Handles.............................134       Frameless Windscreen Clamps        Glass Clamps .............105, 110
              Metal Contact Cement .......53, 82,   Push-In Glazing Gaskets ...............        ......................................102-103       Posts ............................106-109
              ............................................98, 150  ........................................19, 23, 30       Handrail Brackets ............86-90
              Metal Lube ...............................153  PVC Very Hi-Bond Tapes ........151       Stanchions ................67, 70, 73  Wipes, Lint Free ......................152
              Micro Fiber Cloths .............82, 154             Surface Protector ....................152  Wood Mount Angles .............. 25
              Micro-Mesh Polishing Sheets ...154  R                                         Wood Shims ............................144
              Mildew Resistant Silicone .......148  Rail Fasteners and Accessories ....     Wood's Vacuum Cups .............143
               Fix Up Your Truck With
               FHC Aluminum Truck Slats
                  -  Available in Anodized Aluminum
                 and Matte Black Finishes
                  -  Heavy-Duty With Vinyl Glass
                 Cushion Inserts Included                                      5-1/2"
                  -  12' Stock Lengths                                                  4"

                                                                                                      MATTE BLACK
                                                                           ITEM NO.
                                                                           TSR144   3/4"         ITEM NO. TSR144MB

             THE GLAZING SUPPLY COMPANY                  4361 Firestone Blvd. South Gate, CA 90280
                                                      Toll Free: (888) 295-4531  |  Direct: (323) 968-2031
             EXPERIENCE AND  INNOV A TION                                                                         159
                                                                Fax: (323) 336-8307  |
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