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        Dew Point                           Filler                            Isotherm
        The “dew point” is the temperature   A substance added to increase volume,   A graph showing how adsorption capacity
        at which air becomes saturated with   inhibit sagging, enhance stickiness,   changes with varying concentrations of
        moisture, causing water vapor to condense   unity, stretchability, and other properties   adsorbate (water) at a constant temperature.
        into liquid water or dew.           within a sealing mixture.
        Dual Glazing                        Gasket                            A catalyst initiates curing in a
        “Dual glazing” is two glass panels with an   A pliable material inserted between   two-part material.
        air gap, offering insulation against heat   two surfaces to create a seal at their
        loss and noise.                     junction.                         Lite

        Durometer                           Gas Filled Units                  In glazing, “lite” refers to a piece of
                                                                              glass or unit.
        A machine used to measure the shore   Gas-filled insulating glass units,
        hardness of materials like neoprene.  enhancing thermal and sound insulation.  Low Emissivity
                                                                              Glass (Low-E)
        Elasticity                          Glazing
        Elasticity is the material’s capacity to   Mounting glass within frames, sashes,    Low-E glass has a reflective coating
                                                                              that improves its U-value.
        regain its original form or state after   and window walls.
        deformation. It is also known as ‘Memory’                             Mastic
        or ‘Recovery.’
                                            Hardness                          A thick adhesive applied with a knife,
        Elastomer                           This metric gauges a material’s   trowel, or heated applicator.
        A rubbery material that quickly reverts   resilience to deformation, commonly   Modulus
                                            expressed in “Shore A” units, and is
        to nearly its original dimensions after   evaluated with a durometer.
        undergoing significant deformation.                                   The relationship between stress and strain;
                                            Heel Bead                         low-modulus materials stretch easily.
        Elongation                          A strip of substance used to seal the
        The ability of a material to stretch   area between the glass and frame.  Moisture Cure
        or elongate.                                                          A material that cures or sets by using
                                            Hermetically Sealed               moisture from the air.
        A chemical reaction that produces heat.  Two separate pieces of glass sealed   Moisture Vapor Transfer
                                            with a gap of air in between, commonly   Rare (MVTR)
                                            known as Thermopane.
        Extender                                                              Rate of moisture ingress into the sealed space
        An economical material typically added    Hypalon                     between unit lites from the atmosphere.
        to reduce costs in a sealant compound.  A synthetic rubber-like material
                                            (an elastomer).                   Molecular Sieve
        Extrudability                                                         (13-X Variety)
        The level of ease or challenge involved   IGMA (Insulating Glass      A zeolite, part of the class of substances with
        in forcing a material through a narrow   Manufacturer’s Alliance)     small, uniform pores in their crystal structures,
        passage for application or shaping.                                   capable of adsorbing molecules that can pass
                                            A voluntary organization comprising   through these pores. The pore openings are
        Face Glaze                          manufacturers of insulating glass units   about 10 angstroms wide, with one angstrom
        A layer of glazing compound applied    and suppliers of component materials   being one ten-millionth of a millimeter.
                                            used in these units.
        once the glass or insulated glass unit
        is in place.                                                          Molecular Sieve
        Fatigue Failure                     The shared surface or boundary    (3-A Variety)
        Failure of a material due to rapid or   between two substances, such as the   Similar to 13-Xd but with smaller pore
        prolonged cyclical deformation.     point where the insulating glass unit   openings, about four angstroms wide.
                                            meets the channel.

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