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        Accelerator                        Back Fill                          Buttering
        A chemical that is added to a polymer   This process is known as “back bedding,”   The act of applying a putty or sealant
        to affect a cure.                  which involves placing a material into   compound to the flat surface of a
                                           the gap or space between the glass and   component before positioning it is known
        Adhesion                           glazing stops.                     as “buttering.” This is often done, for
        A substance introduced into a polymer                                 example, when applying sealant to a
        to initiate the curing process.    Bead                               removable stop before securing the stop
                                           A continuous strip of caulking or glazing   in place.
        Adhesion Buildup                   material is often referred to as a “bead”.  Butt Joint
        This process occurs within the first five
        to seven days after producing two-part   Bedding                      A joint in which the edge or face of one
        and silicone sealant units. While the   Setting a glass or insulating glass panel   member is separated from and sealed
        sealant may appear to have cured within   into a sealing compound.    to the edge or face of another member
        three hours, it does not reach maximum                                without any overlap is referred to as a
        adhesion at this stage. However, after the   Blend                    “butt joint”.
        initial curing, the adhesion is sufficient   A physical combination of Silica Gel and
        to move the unit for further fabrication   4-A Molecular Sieve, typically assumed   Butyl Rubber
        or packaging for shipment. If thorough   to be a 50-50 mixture by weight for the   A copolymer composed of 98% Butylene
        testing is required, a full seven days   purposes of this manual.     and 2% Isoprene is known for its
        are necessary for the sealant to reach                                properties as a sealant. It exhibits low
        its optimal performance and maximum   Bond                            recovery and a slow curing process, but it
        adhesion levels. Furthermore, freshly                                 offers good elongation characteristics.
        mixed sealant adheres better to the   The connection or bonding that occurs at
        surface compared to material that has   the boundary between two substrates is   Capillary Attraction
        exceeded its application life. To achieve   commonly referred to as “adhesion”.  The force of adhesion between a solid
        the best results, ensure that properly                                and a liquid due to capillary attraction
        mixed sealant is applied to clean, dry glass  Breather Tube           is commonly referred to as “capillary
        and spacers that are free of oil residues.  A narrow tube with a diameter of .030   adhesion”.
                                           inches (.76 mm), inserted into the spacer
        Adhesive                           through the perimeter wall. Its purpose   Capillary Tube
        A material that can bond two separate   is to balance the air pressure within the   A capillary tube, with a very small diameter
        surfaces together through adhesion, often   unit during shipping when traveling at   of .021 inches (.533 mm) I.D. is inserted
        used in the sealing or binding process.  varying elevations, particularly at altitudes   into the perimeter wall of the spacer. Its
                                           exceeding 5,000 feet. Please note   primary function is to balance the air
        Adhesive Failure                   that breather tubes should be crimped   pressure within the unit during shipping
        The type of failure characterized by the   and sealed upon reaching their final   when traveling across varying elevations,
        adhesive or sealant pulling loose from                                particularly at altitudes exceeding 5,000
        the substrate.                                                        feet. It’s important to note that while
                                           British Thermal Unit (BTU)         crimping and sealing the capillary tubes at
        Adsorbent                          Measures the amount of heat that passes   the final destination is optional, it is not a
        A substance with the ability or inclination   through glazing materials, such as window   requirement.
                                           glass. It is used to indicate how much
        to adsorb moisture. It is also commonly   heat is gained or lost through the glass.
        known as a desiccant.                                                 Catalyst
                                           This measurement helps in evaluating the
                                           energy efficiency of windows and glass   An activator is used to initiate the curing
        Adsorption                         facades, crucial for designing buildings   or setting process of a two-part material.
        The attachment of gas or liquid atoms   that require less energy for heating or
        or molecules to the surface of another   cooling. A lower BTU transfer through   Caulk
        substance, which is referred to as   glass indicates better insulation properties   A substance used to fill gaps or voids
        the adsorbent.                     and higher energy efficiency.      around panels, windows, doors, and
                                                                              similar structures is commonly referred
                                                                              to as “caulking” or “sealant”.

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