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              Synthetic rubber often used as a    Putty                             Shore Hardness
              glazing setting block.             Air-drying glazing compounds, typically   A measure of the firmness of a compound
                                                 oil-based.                         using a durometer hardness gauge.
              The nozzle or tip of a cartridge or   Relative Humidity (RH)          Silica Gel
              dispenser gun used to apply sealant.  The relative humidity is the percentage of   A desiccant composed of amorphous, porous
                                                 water vapor present in a specific volume of   silica dioxide, noted for its expansive internal
              Oxidation                          air at a particular temperature, compared   surface area and diverse pore dimensions.
              The process of oils drying when exposed   to the maximum amount of water vapor
              to oxygen in the air.              that the air could hold at that temperature.  Silicone Rubber
                                                                                    This curable compound is formed from
              Plasticizer                        R. Values                          polysiloxane-based polymers. It’s frequently
              A substance that uses solvents to induce   R-values indicate a material’s resistance   utilized in the application of sealants and
              softening in a sealant or adhesive.  to heat flow, with higher values indicating   protective coatings.
                                                 better insulating capacity.
              Polyisobutylene                    Sagging                            Sill
              Comprised solely of polyisobutylene                                   The lowermost part of a sash, frame, or door.
              rubber, this solid sealing agent is notable   Sagging happens when a material lacks
              for its non-curing hydrocarbon elastomer   the strength to bear its own mass.  Skin
              makeup. Distinguished by a minimal                                    The initial layer that develops on the exterior
              moisture vapor transmission rate, it is   Sealant                     of sealant compounds as they harden.
              ideal for serving as a dependable moisture   This elastomeric substance can
              barrier within insulated glass structures.  accommodate over ±10% movement,   Skin Bead
                                                 endowed with adhesive and cohesive   Placing material on the surface of a joint
              Polymer                            attributes to form a seal that resists   while intentionally leaving a gap underneath.
              The chemical compound formed when a   moisture, air, and particulate intrusion.
              monomer combines with itself, as seen                                 Solvent
              in sealant compounds like Silicone and   Sealer                       A substance, like Xylocol or mineral spirits,
              Polysulfide.                       A type of coating used to infill surface   used to decrease the thickness of a liquid,
                                                 discrepancies such as cracks, pores,    making it less viscous.
              Polysulfide Rubber                 or cavities.
              A synthetic polymer typically derived from                            Spacers
              Sodium Polysulfide, commonly used to   Secondary Blocks               A hollow shape designed to create a
              create effective sealants.         Used to center lites or panels, maintain   fixed air space between two glass pieces,
                                                 uniform sealant bead width, and prevent   typically filled with desiccant to enhance
              Pot Life                           excess sealant distortion.         thermal or acoustic properties.
              The duration following the mixing process
              during which a sealant or adhesive can be   Shading Coefficient       Strain
              correctly applied.                 A measure of the degree to which solar
                                                 energy is transmitted through a particular   Strain is the deformation per unit length,
              Primary Seal                       material.                          determined by the change in length divided
              In a dual-seal system, this is the seal                               by the original length of a test specimen.
              immediately adjacent to the air space,   Shear
              often constituted by the PIB moisture   The reciprocal sliding motion between two   Stress
              barrier.                           surfaces affecting the sealant.    Represents the force distributed over a unit
                                                                                    area. It is generated by the internal forces
              Primer                             Shore A                            that arise when an external force is applied.
              Enhances bonding between the substrate   A universal scale for evaluating the hardness
              and sealant, serving as an adhesive for   of sealants, ranging from 1 to 100, where
              various materials.                 soft gum rubber scores between 5 to 10, and
                                                 tire rubber typically falls between 70 to 80.
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               Insulating Glass                               FRAMELESS HARDWARE COMPANY LLC
                                                           4361 Firestone Blvd. South Gate, CA 90280
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