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              Caulking Compound                   Cold Flow                           Cure Time
              A sealant with a relatively limited   Cured Polysulfides exhibit a property   The term “cure time” refers to the
              movement capability, typically less    known as “conformability”, which   duration it takes for a mixed compound
              than 10%, is often referred to as a    means that the rubber can adapt to   to reach a state where it can be handled
              “low-movement sealant”.             irregular shapes. This property is   during production and moved without
                                                  particularly beneficial in insulating glass   distorting the sealant. It’s important to
              Channel                             applications. In a glazing channel, if   note that a longer work life generally

              A U-shaped opening in a sash or frame   conformability is not present, the rubber   corresponds to a longer cure time.
              designed to accommodate glass or    may allow one lite to shift without   Heat accelerates the curing process
              an insulating glass unit is commonly   compromising the seal. However, when   by increasing the chemical activity of
              referred to as a “glazing channel” or   stacking units, they must be stacked   the compound, while humidity also
              “glazing groove”.                   at a 90-degree angle to the support, or   contributes to a longer work life and
                                                  one lite may deform out of alignment.   significantly extends the cure time.
              Channel Glazing                     This is why softer sealants are preferred;   However, lower temperatures, below
                                                  they may deform slightly more but can
                                                                                      70ºF (21ºC), can further lengthen both
              The process of sealing the joints around   accommodate stress and movement   the work life and the cure time.
              lites or panels placed in the channel   without risking glass breakage.
              using removable stops is commonly                                       Curing Agent
              known as “channel glazing”. It involves   Condensation Resistance
              sealing the gap between the glass and                                   A “curing agent” is a chemical added
              glazing stops to secure the glass or   Factor (CRF)                     to a polymer to initiate or accelerate
              panels in place.                    A numerical rating assigned to windows   the curing process.
                                                  and doors based on their thermal
              Chemical Cure                       performance, derived from AAMA      Degree Day
              “Curing by chemical reaction” typically   1502.4-197 tests on the thermally   Also known as Heating Degree Days
              involves the process of cross-linking   improved aluminum prime windows   (HDD) is calculated by taking the
              a polymer to achieve the desired    and sliding glass doors. This factor   number of days in the heating season
              properties or characteristics.      is calculated under specific testing   and multiplying it by the difference
                                                  conditions: an interior environment at   between an inside temperature (typically
              Coefficient of Expansion            68°F (20°C) and 25% relative humidity,   65ºF or 18ºC) and the average outside
                                                  and an exterior environment at 18°F
                                                                                      temperature when it’s below 65ºF
              The change in size of a material in   (-8°C) with winds at 15 mph. The CRF   (18ºC). It’s a measure used to estimate
              response to temperature fluctuations is   indicates the degree to which a window   the heating requirements of a building
              referred to as its “thermal expansion” or   or door can prevent the formation of   during the colder months.
              “coefficient of thermal expansion”.  condensation on its interior surface.
                                                  A higher CRF signifies greater thermal   Desiccant
              Cohesion                            resistance. Windows must achieve a   A substance with a strong attraction or

              The molecular force responsible     minimum CRF of 30 to be classified    affinity for water is commonly known as
              for holding the body of a sealant or   as thermally improved.           a “desiccant.” Desiccants are used to
              adhesive together and providing its                                     adsorb moisture and are often employed
              internal strength is commonly referred   Consistency                    as drying agents. They are also referred
              to as “cohesion”.                   The term “consistency” is used to   to as adsorbents because they adsorb
                                                  describe the degree of softness or   or attract moisture molecules from the
              Cohesive Failure                    firmness of a compound as it is supplied   surrounding environment.
              If adhesive materials are present on   in its container. This consistency can
              both surfaces and they separate, it   indeed vary based on the method   Detergents
              indicates a cohesive failure in the    of application.                  These specialized “glass cleaners” or
              unit. In cohesive failure, the adhesive                                 “window cleaners” are formulated to
              within the bond itself has failed,                                      effectively clean glass surfaces. They
              causing the separation.                                                 contain ingredients like delimer, low-

                                                                                      foam components, and Low-e coating
                                                                                      compatibility materials to address
                                                                                      specific cleaning needs.

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